Saturday 30 November 2013

Gomen Nasai

(ゴメン ナサイ)
A.k.a Ring of Curse

The Story:
High school writing club member Hitaka Yuka tries to reach out to genius loner Kurohane, but she rejects Yuka's offer of friendship, more interested in writing by herself. Yuka moves on but there's something about Kurohane that is unsettling and Yuka can't quite shake the girl from her mind. When class bully Sonata, tired of always being second place to Kurohane, starts picking on the girl, a strange notebook starts circulating through the class. A notebook written by Kurohane. Anyone who reads the story dies. Can Yuka find a way to stop Kurohane's revenge before it's too late?

The Reason:
I picked this one up purely because of the cover. I didn't even bother trying to read the synopsis. All I knew was it had a girl band in it and it was under horror, so I thought it might be interesting to watch.

The Stars:

A net idol band that provides the music and play the main three characters. It would seem they had a big hand in making this movie. It was a little worrying that the focus would be on the band appearing in their first movie instead of any actual storytelling, but I needn't have even considered it. The girl are phenomenal actresses right from the start. Before the movie is a brief intro by the girls and they manage to convey a very subtle atmosphere that becomes very important at the end of the film.

The Review:

The movie starts with Yuka narrating events in such a way as to draw you right in. She has to muster the courage to ask class loner Kurohane to join the writing club. You can tell there's something not quite right about the quiet girl sitting alone. Kurohane rejects her offer, and Yuka goes away annoyed that no matter how good her writing is their teacher is only interested in getting Kurohane to join the club.

Events start moving when class bully Sonata starts picking on Kurohane. Shoving her, throwing food at her, and generally being mean to her. As part of an elaborate joke, Sonata rigs it so that Kurohane is called to write the script for the school play. Without a peep, she accepts and begins writing a story into her notebook. Yuka tries to talk her out of it, but Kurohane has a plan.

Anyone who read her story will die. No one seems to notice when classmates start dying, except Yuka. She watches helplessly as classmates and friends slowly succumb to Kurohane's revenge. A cursed notebook that kills whoever reads from it. There's nothing Yuka can do to stop it.

This movie was awesome. It was incredibly well done with excellent use of camera angles and sound effects. The story was told in such a way to make you feel sympathy for the characters, even the one deliberately killing people. The movie tells the story of a curse being started, drawing parallels to Sadako and her cursed video. Subtlety is the key to making a horror movie truly chilling and this one does the job perfectly. The intro and ending come together in such a way that you can feel it pulling you in.

I highly recommend that you see this as soon as possible.

Watched: RAW
Understood: Mostly
Does it matter: Yes
Would watch again: Definitely
Recommend: Yes
Rating: Must See

It would appear that this movie is based off the book that gets written during the course of the film. Recursion for the win.

Hikiko-san VS Kuchisake Onna

Hikiko VS the Slit-mouth Woman.

(ひきこさん VS 口裂け女)




The Story:

Ever since a traumatic experience left her friends in a coma, Kaori has been visiting the hospital every day in the hopes that they will some day regain consciousness. One day ten years later, the pair suddenly wake up screaming about a mysterious Hikiko that is after them; a ghost that only exists in their memories and will stop at nothing to get them back. Kaori does her best to help her friends recover and move past the trauma, but something is not right in the hospital. Rumours circulate of a strange woman glimpsed in the old buildings, a woman wearing a surgical mask and asking only "Atashi kirei?" <am I pretty?>. Before long, Kaori and her friends find themselves caught in the crossfire between two monsters of Japanese legend. It's Hikiko-san VS the Kuchisake Onna.


The Reason: 

I got this movie because I was so impressed by the first Kuchisake that I keep underestimating how terrible the rest of the series is. This film has little if anything to do with that series anyway. I thought that being a versus movie, they might treat the character with respect and not keep trying to reinvent the wheel with a new origin story.

The Stars:

Kuchisake Onna

"Atashi kirei?"
<Am I pretty?>

The slit-mouth woman. You walk down a dark alley and see a woman wearing a surgical mask, bleakly she asks "Atashi kirei?". If you answer, she takes off the mask to reveal a tore and twisted face. She then kills you.

Based on a popular urban legend. In my opinion the first Kuchisake Onna movie is one of the best horrors I've ever seen (the rest of the series, however, is not). I got this purely to see if they'd get her right, and out of all the characters in this film, she is by far the most interesting. She actually does things and has moments of being actually scary.


"Mou ikkai" "Mada dayo"
<one more time> <not quite yet>

A ghost that only exists when you remember her. She haunts children and if she catches you she'll beat you to death on the pavement.

To be honest, I'd never heard of Hikiko before this movie. Her description makes her sound like an actual credible threat. A kind of Freddy Krueger to the Onna's Jason. A ghost that there is no escaping from because whenever you think about her she can find you. However, her portrayal here has her come off as more of a molester spirit that is more annoying than frightening.

The Review:
For the first half of the movie NOTHING HAPPENS, and the mood comes across as more of a crappy J-Pop music video than a horror movie. The inappropriately upbeat music plays as the girls slowly recover and it becomes easy to forget that this is meant to be a monster movie. It becomes so discordant, that a well placed jump scare would have been enough to give me a heart attack. Unfortunately, when the horror does start it's fumbled so badly that it loses all impact.

There is exactly one actor with a shred of talent in this film. Her overacting is especially noticeable in a scene where she's talking to some hospital staff and the doctor has no idea what he's meant to be doing so he keeps staring off into the ceiling. She's clearly trying to take the film seriously despite the fact no one else is.

Hikiko starts tormenting the girls, but overdoes it to the point it looks like she's more interested in groping them than killing them. Hikiko forcing one of her victims to stab herself with a pencil loses all impact when the effect is so badly done that you're not sure what's happening. And then the flashbacks start.

As soon as the trauma of ten years past begins it becomes clear that I've made a mistake regarding this movie. It's not a horror, it's a comedy! Hikiko grabs a kid and starts slamming him against the pavement, and it's hilarious. The scene was meant to be scary but I couldn't stop laughing.

Soon after, Hikiko chases her victim into the abandoned part of the hospital, where like any sensible horror heroine, the girl that's running from a ghost stops to ask the creepy woman locked in a cage for help. Genius. Hikiko appears and the girl presses herself against the cage, whereupon the Onna kill-steals and Hikiko fades away with a bored look on her face.

The Onna accidently gets set free and proceeds to actually do something, making it look like Hikiko is the reason the movie lacks horror. For a moment, it looks like the Onna actually knows how to get things done.

 Epic Troll Face.

Things then pile together to lead to probably the shortest Vs match on record. Like a pro-boxer vs a wet paper bag. The whole fight is a farce, but it is an incredible funny farce. Every time one of the ghost comes running up to attack the victims, they stop a short distance away as if to say "Hi".
The ending has got to be one of the best I've ever seen though. The main character pulls an incredible stupid stunt in the hopes of vanquishing the evil monster, and for a few seconds it looks like it worked, until they look up to find the monster giving a face that screams "Are you an idiot?".

As a horror this movie is an offense, but as a comedy it's a right barrel of laughs. I'd recommend it purely to see how funny it really is. I don't think you'd even need subs to enjoy it (probably would make more sense too). 

Watched: RAW
Understood: Yes
Does it matter: No
Would watch again: Probably not
Recommend: Yes
Rating: Bad but Good

Hikiko drinking game!
Take a drink every time Hikiko fails at being scary.



I'm an Australian living in Japan. I love watching movies. It's interesting to watch some of the movies that really only exist here in Japan. Wherever I go, I'm always finding interesting movies. Japanese video stores are strange though, they keep the obviously D-grade movies right up there with the A-listers. It's impossible to tell what kind of movie you'll get until you watch it. So, I thought it would be fun to start doing reviews of some of films I find.

Welcome to Fushigna Eigakan!


